Magento on LaTeX

Several banking houses use LaTeX to generate their bank statements (in german: Kontoauszüge) into pdfs. There are many pros to such a system: speed, small pdf size and a large number of packages, for example. In my case I had to adjust the invoices of a Magento Online-Shop instance.

I didn’t want to get into the Zend PDF printer and since I am quite familiar with LaTeX I took the opportunity to develop an extension. Of course no web server runs TeX out of the box. But since it is really easy to install a TeX distribution like TexLive, this shouldn’t be a problem if you own a root server and have some disk space.

Basically I wrote an extension for Magento which serves pdf invoices generated from a LaTeX template.
This means that it is very easy to modify your invoice template, so that it uses your corporate design etc.. This also means that your invoices will stop looking poor and start looking tight 🙂 .

The code is available for free, licensed under the LGPL.

Check out my github account for more informations.

Update: Seeing that there were some visitors looking for LaTeX invoice templates: You find them here.

Update: If you are interested in what other industry applications LaTeX is used for check out this post.

Important: Wolfgang Mederle has created an updated version of the module. I wrote my code a couple of years ago and Magento has undergone some changes in the meantime. If you want to use the module today you will be better off using Wolfang’s module. You can find his code here. Thanks Wolfgang!

Category: Coding, LaTeX, Magento, Web

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3 Responses

  1. Hi Michael,

    which version of Magento was this extension written for? I’m trying to get this to run on, but it is simply not executed, so I guess the model has changed in the meantime. Bummer, as I have just created LaTeX letterheads for our company, and it would be great to use them for the shop as well.



  2. Ok, got it to work, but I had to rewrite it quite a bit. Was a great starting point, though, so thanks for the code. I’m now able to generate invoices and packing slips with LaTeX.

  3. Michi says:

    Hi Wolfgang, I wrote the extension a couple of years ago, so it is probably outdated. I just read your mail on your update of the project and have added the link to the post. Thanks!

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About Me

I am a 32 year old techno-creative enthusiast who lives and works in Berlin. In a previous life I studied computer science (more specifically Media Informatics) at the Ulm University in Germany.

I care about exploring ideas and developing new things. I like creating great stuff that I am passionate about.


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