I have a significant stream of visitors looking for LaTeX invoice templates (my magento-on-latex post is probably good seo 😉 ).
When I started using LaTeX I had exactly the same need and wrote my own invoice template.
In the meantime I have created several other templates. I now packed them all up and put a repository latex-template-collection up on github. Currently there are templates for letters, timesheets (thanks to Dennis Mack!) and invoices. I am going to contiously add new templates.
The templates still have room for optimization (e.g. automatically increment the invoice position, etc.). Please feel free to contribute.

Several banking houses use LaTeX to generate their bank statements (in german: Kontoauszüge) into pdfs. There are many pros to such a system: speed, small pdf size and a large number of packages, for example. In my case I had to adjust the invoices of a Magento Online-Shop instance.
I didn’t want to get into the Zend PDF printer and since I am quite familiar with LaTeX I took the opportunity to develop an extension. Of course no web server runs TeX out of the box. But since it is really easy to install a TeX distribution like TexLive, this shouldn’t be a problem if you own a root server and have some disk space.
Basically I wrote an extension for Magento which serves pdf invoices generated from a LaTeX template.
This means that it is very easy to modify your invoice template, so that it uses your corporate design etc.. This also means that your invoices will stop looking poor and start looking tight 🙂 .
The code is available for free, licensed under the LGPL.
Check out my github account for more informations.
Update: Seeing that there were some visitors looking for LaTeX invoice templates: You find them here.
Update: If you are interested in what other industry applications LaTeX is used for check out this post.
Important: Wolfgang Mederle has created an updated version of the module. I wrote my code a couple of years ago and Magento has undergone some changes in the meantime. If you want to use the module today you will be better off using Wolfang’s module. You can find his code here. Thanks Wolfgang!
I created a cheatsheet for the popular window manager awesome in LaTeX.
Awesome is a neat, highly configurable window manager for X. It is available for all the main linux distributions.
I use awesome because it gets you highly productive. Since you can completely use it by keyboard and since it is a tiling window manager you don’t have to waste time on thinking about arranging your screen or move your hand from keyboard to mouse.
The sheet is available on my github account as a *.tex and as a *.pdf file. I think the code could be useful for other people, maybe for creating similar cheat sheets – since they all use nearly the same layout.
Click here to directly get the pdf.