For the past few weeks I have been working intensely on a new project: A timelapse of the city Ulm, where I live in. When I had the idea I started searching around for pictures of Ulm with locations I liked. For half the locations I didn’t have any idea from where this was shot. In the meantime I have filmed a timelapse at about 25-30 locations. Some multiple times. My lense actually froze 2 times! Some locations don’t look as good as I thought, so not all are in the final video.
The artist spinmeister was so kind to provide an instrumental version of his song “Moments in Space” for this video. The song is licensed under CC-BY and available here.
The video was actually shown as a supporting movie in a local cinema here for one week.
There are some really amazing stills in the movie which I uploaded in full resolution to deviantART my MediaGoblin instance. They make pretty good wallpapers!
Update: Wow, the video has been online for ~2 days and has been viewed more than 3.000 times!
I posted it to Facebook, Twitter and G+ and am quite surprised how fast it spread! In the meantime I did a little interview with the Cineasta, where the movie was shown as a supporting movie. Check it out here (in german).
Update: Hello visitors, from the SWP :).
direct link to vimeo

It get’s quite foggy here sometimes. Well “quite” is a little bit of an understatement: I haven’t seen the sun in weeks. Literally: I haven’t seen anything else than just a white sky and fog everywhere. Sometimes just a few meters sight. When walking to the university through the woods I sometimes think I am in some kind of “Sleepy Hollow” horror movie.
But: You can shoot some great pictures at nighttime. These photos have been shot around 3 or 4 in the morning some days ago. The scenery was so damn good that I just had to get out and take some photos.
I finally decided to give deviantART a try. I plan on doing some stuff that fits more on deviantART than on flickr. Here’s the link to the deviantART account with the full sized foggy pictures.
matou was shooting some photos for a friends school project and I joined them. After all project photos were done we started playing around with the setup. We stayed for another 4 hours or so and basically just had a real good time shooting tons and tons of photos 🙂 .
The photos were lighted by two flashes, placed left and right. The background is a big white photo tissue we mounted high.
I uploaded some photos to deviantART.
Making coffee — the “Hello World” of videography. (@b_erb, 29.11.2011)
This is the first little video I made with the 5D: How I make coffee in the morning.
Usually you let the coffee brew in the french press for about five to ten minutes, depending on how strong you want it. Besides that I often give a pinch of salt into the grinded beans. I have the impression that this takes out some of the bitterness.
direct link to vimeo
Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8