Ulm Underground

From my impression the Geocaching scene in Ulm is quite active and there are a lot of caches. These are some photos which I took on two expeditions with friends, whilst searching for some of the underground caches. One cache is e.g. hidden in an old air-raid shelter (“Luftschutzraum”) which can only be accessed through a hole in the wall (the Warmduscher-Cache). The photos have been taken about one and a half years ago, but I didn’t get around to upload them.


Ulm Timelapse


For the past few weeks I have been working intensely on a new project: A timelapse of the city Ulm, where I live in. When I had the idea I started searching around for pictures of Ulm with locations I liked. For half the locations I didn’t have any idea from where this was shot. In the meantime I have filmed a timelapse at about 25-30 locations. Some multiple times. My lense actually froze 2 times! Some locations don’t look as good as I thought, so not all are in the final video.

The artist spinmeister was so kind to provide an instrumental version of his song “Moments in Space” for this video. The song is licensed under CC-BY and available here.

The video was actually shown as a supporting movie in a local cinema here for one week.

There are some really amazing stills in the movie which I uploaded in full resolution to deviantART my MediaGoblin instance. They make pretty good wallpapers!

Update: Wow, the video has been online for ~2 days and has been viewed more than 3.000 times!
I posted it to Facebook, Twitter and G+ and am quite surprised how fast it spread! In the meantime I did a little interview with the Cineasta, where the movie was shown as a supporting movie. Check it out here (in german).

Update: Hello visitors, from the SWP :).

direct link to vimeo


I regularly participate in events by the Chaos Computer Club. I’ve been to the camp and held some seminars here in Ulm. Besides that we have a radio program at a free radio station here in Ulm: /dev/radio is on every two weeks for two hours at 13:00. 102.6 Mhz / Radio freeFM. Free radio means that anybody who becomes a member of the non-profit association and pays a small annual fee can get his own slot. /dev/radio plays only free music. Meaning music under a free license, preferably Creative Commons.

In one of the last broadcasts matou and hannes (right and left in the photo above) set up a challenge to submit a proposal for a jingle. A few hours before deadline I decided to give it a try. This is what I came up with:

soundcloud direct link

The morse code in the beginning was originally created by matou via a smartphone morse app. I applied various effects and did some editing on it. The background song is licensed as CC-BY-NC and is called “Rooted in Peace” by rocavaco. It is available here.

Foggy Ulm

It get’s quite foggy here sometimes. Well “quite” is a little bit of an understatement: I haven’t seen the sun in weeks. Literally: I haven’t seen anything else than just a white sky and fog everywhere. Sometimes just a few meters sight. When walking to the university through the woods I sometimes think I am in some kind of “Sleepy Hollow” horror movie.

But: You can shoot some great pictures at nighttime. These photos have been shot around 3 or 4 in the morning some days ago. The scenery was so damn good that I just had to get out and take some photos.

I finally decided to give deviantART a try. I plan on doing some stuff that fits more on deviantART than on flickr. Here’s the link to the deviantART account with the full sized foggy pictures.

About Me

I am a 32 year old techno-creative enthusiast who lives and works in Berlin. In a previous life I studied computer science (more specifically Media Informatics) at the Ulm University in Germany.

I care about exploring ideas and developing new things. I like creating great stuff that I am passionate about.


All content is licensed under CC-BY 4.0 International (if not explicitly noted otherwise).
I would be happy to hear if my work gets used! Just drop me a mail.
The CC license above applies to all content on this site created by me. It does not apply to linked and sourced material.